






update ICPurchase set FPayAmountFor = rp.ftotal

from ICPurchase icc inner join


select ic.FInterID,ic.fbillno,ic.FPayAmountFor,isnull(ftotal,0) ftotal –,FPayAmountFor-FTotal ‘差异’ 

–ic.FInterID ‘发票内码’,ic.fbillno ‘发票编码’,ic.FPayAmountFor ‘账面已付金额’,FTotal ‘实际发生付款金额’

from ICPurchase ic

left join (

 Select FInterID, sum(FAmount) as FTotal From ( 

 Select e.FInterID as FInterID,ISNull(e.FBillSettleAmountFor,0) as FAmount –‘付款单’

 from t_RP_PBill t  Inner Join t_RP_PBillEntry e On t.FBillID=e.FBillID 

 Left Join t_Account a ON a.FAccountID=t.FAcctId 

 Left Join t_Currency c ON e.FBillCurrencyID=c.FCurrencyID 

 Where e.FClassID_SRC IN (1000003,1000004) 

 Union All 

 Select u.FInterID as FInterID,-1*isnull(e.FBillSettleAmountFor,0) as FAmount –‘退款单’

 from t_RP_PBill t 

 inner join t_RP_PBillEntry e On t.FBillID=e.FBillID 

 inner join (Select * from t_RP_PBillEntry Where FClassID_SRC IN (1000003,1000004)) u On e.FEntryID_SRC=u.FEntryID and u.FBillID=e.FInterID 

 Left Join t_Currency c ON e.FBillCurrencyID=c.FCurrencyID 

 Inner Join t_Account a ON a.FAccountID=t.FAcctId 

 Where t.FPayTypeid = 1010 

 Union All 

 select FContactID as FInterID,isnull(e.FCheckAmountFor,0) as FAmount –‘核销单’

 from T_RP_CheckInfo t  Inner Join T_RP_CheckInfoEntry e ON t.FInterID=e.FInterID 

 Left Join t_Currency c ON e.FCurrencyID=c.FCurrencyID 

 Where ((t.FCheckType = 0 And e.FEntryType = 1) Or (t.FCheckType = 1 And e.FEntryType = 0) Or (t.FCheckType = 3 And e.FEntryType = 1)) 

 And FContactType IN (75,76) 

 Union All

 Select v1.FInvoiceID as FInterID,isnull(e.FBillSettleAmountFor,0) as FAmount –‘付款单’

 from t_RP_PBill t Inner Join t_RP_PBillEntry e On t.FBillID=e.FBillID 

 Left Join t_RP_CheckInfoEntry v1 on v1.FInterID=e.FInterID and v1.FNo=e.FEntryID_HXD_SRC 

 Left Join t_RP_CheckInfo v2 on v1.FInterID=v2.FInterID 

 Left Join t_Currency c ON e.FBillCurrencyID=c.FCurrencyID 

 Inner Join t_Account a ON a.FAccountID=t.FAcctId 

 Where e.FClassID_SRC = 1000093 and v1.FInvoiceType IN (75,76) And v2.FCheckType=5 

 Union All 

 Select v1.FInvoiceID as FInterID,-1*isnull(e.FBillSettleAmountFor,0) as FAmount –‘退款单’

 from t_RP_PBill t Inner Join t_RP_PBillEntry e On t.FBillID=e.FBillID 

 Inner Join t_RP_PBillEntry u On  e.FEntryID_SRC=u.FEntryID 

 Left Join t_RP_CheckInfoEntry v1 on v1.FInterID=u.FInterID and v1.FNo=u.FEntryID_HXD_SRC 

 Left Join t_RP_CheckInfo v2 on v1.FInterID=v2.FInterID 

 Left Join t_Currency c ON e.FBillCurrencyID=c.FCurrencyID 

 Inner Join t_Account a ON a.FAccountID=t.FAcctId 

 Where t.FPayTypeid =1010  AND u.FClassID_SRC=1000093 AND v1.FInvoiceType IN (75,76) And v2.FCheckType=5 

 Union All 

 select v1.FInvoiceID as FInterID,isnull(v1.FCheckAmountFor,0) as FAmount –‘核销单’ 

 from T_RP_CheckInfo t  Inner Join T_RP_CheckInfoEntry e ON t.FInterID=e.FInterID 

 Inner Join T_RP_CheckInfoEntry v1 on v1.FContactID=e.FInterID and v1.FHeIndex=e.FNo 

 Inner Join T_RP_CheckInfo v2 on v2.FInterID=v1.FInterID 

 Inner Join t_Currency c ON e.FCurrencyID=c.FCurrencyID 

 Where ((v2.FCheckType = 0 And v1.FEntryType = 1) Or (v2.FCheckType = 1 And v1.FEntryType = 0) Or (v2.FCheckType = 3 And v1.FEntryType = 1)) 

 And v1.FInvoiceType IN (75,76) And v1.FContactType=1006 AND t.FCheckType=5 

 Union All

 SELECT b.FInvoiceID as FInterID,isnull(b.FCheckAmountFor, 0) – isnull(b.FMeCheckAmountFor, 0) as FAmount  –应付转应付(未核销金额不为0的)上面没有包含未核销金额


      T_RP_CheckInfoEntry b ON a.FInterID = b.FInterID 

 WHERE a.FCheckType = 5  AND b.FInvoiceType IN (75,76) and isnull(b.FCheckAmountFor, 0) – isnull(b.FMeCheckAmountFor, 0) <> 0

 ) as pp

group by FInterID ) t on t.FInterID=ic.FInterID

where ic.FPayAmountFor-isnull(t.ftotal,0)<>0

 ) rp on rp.FInterId=icc.FInterId

 where rp.FPayAmountFor-isnull(rp.ftotal,0)<>0 and icc.FPOStyle<>251 


 update ICPurchase set FUnPayAmountFor = FPurchaseAmountFor – FPayAmountFor 





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