


(with rental of facilities and equipment)



第一条 出租厂房状况

Article 1 Information of the leased factory premises

第二条 租赁使用性质和生产用途

Article 2 Characters of lease use and productive use

第三条 交付日期和租赁期限

Article 3 Delivery date and lease term

第四条 租金、支付方式和限期

Article 4 Rent, payment and time limited

第五条 保证金和其他费用

Article 5 Security deposit and other expenses

第六条 厂房的使用要求

Article 6 Use requirements for workshop

第七条 厂房返还时的状况

Article 7 Status of premises at return

第八条 转租、转让和交换

Article 8 Sublease, transfer and exchange

第九条 解除本合同的条件

Article 9 Conditions for Termination of this Contract

第十条 违约责任

Article 10. Liability for breach of contract

第十一条 解决争议的方式

Article 11 Dispute settlement

第十二条 其他条款

Article 12 Miscellaneous


第二条 租赁使用性质和生产用途

Article 2 Characters of lease use and productive use

2.1 甲方已查验乙方的营业执照、相应生产经营资质证书或者拟从事的生产经营范围。乙方向甲方承诺,租赁该厂房严格按照经核准的生产经营范围和该厂房原规划设计的生产使用性质,用于从事_____的产品生产。

2.1 Party A has checked Party B’s business licence, the certificate of corresponding production / operation qualification or the scope of intended production. Party B undertakes to Party A to lease the factory premises in strict accordance with the approved scope of production and operation and the characters of production use as originally planned and designed, for the purpose of the production of products _____.

2.2 乙方保证,在租赁期内未征得甲方书面同意,或未按规定经安全生产监管、消防等有关部门批准,不擅自改变该厂房规划设计的生产使用性质,从事上款约定之外的其它产品生产经营活动。

2.2 Party B guarantees that during the lease period, it will not change the characters of production use in the planning and design of the factory premises without the written consent of Party A or the approval of the relevant authorities such as production safety supervision and fire fighting as required, and engage in other production of the products and operation activities other than those agreed in the preceding paragraph.

第三条 交付日期和租赁期限

Article 3 Delivery date and lease term

3.1 甲乙双方约定,甲方于____年___月___日前向乙方交付该厂房和按本合同附件(二)中约定的有关设施设备(以下简称:有关设施设备)。租赁日期自____年___月___日起至____年___月___日止。

3.1 The Party A shall, on the date of ___ day ___ month ____ year under the agreement between the parties hereto, deliver to Party B the factory premises and the relevant facilities / equipment as agreed in Annex (II) hereto (hereinafter referred to as the relevant facilities and equipment). The term of the lease shall commence on ___ day ___ month ____ year until ___ day ___ month ____ year.

3.2 租赁期满,乙方应如期返还该厂房和有关设施设备。乙方需继续承租的,则应于租赁期届满前____个月,向甲方提出续租书面要求,经甲方同意后,双方应重新签订厂房租赁合同。

3.2 The Party B shall, upon expiry of the lease, return the factory premises and related facilities / equipment as scheduled. Provided that it is necessary for Party B to continue to take the lease, it shall submit a written request to Party A for renewal of the lease at ____ months prior to the expiry of the lease term, and the parties shall, upon Party A’s consent, sign a new lease contract for the same.

第四条 租金、支付方式和限期

Article 4 Rent, payment and time limited

4.1 甲、乙双方约定,该厂房每日每平方米【建筑面积】【使用面积】租金为(_____币) _____元。月租金总计为( _____币) _____ 元。

4.1 The parties of A and B agree that the rent for per daily / square metre of [ floor area ] [ useable area ] of factory premise is ( _____ currency ) _____ yuan. The total monthly rent is ( _____ currency ) _____ yuan.

4.2 该厂房租金 _____【年】【月】内不变。自第 _____【年】【月】起,双方可协商对租金进行调整。有关调整事宜由甲、乙双方在补充条款中约定。

4.2 The rent of the premises _____ [year] [month] shall remain unchanged. The parties hereto may, from the _____ [year] [month], effect the adjustment of the rent, which shall be specified by the parties in the supplementary terms.

4.3 乙方应于每月____日前向甲方支付租金。逾期支付的,每逾期一日,则乙方需按日租金的_____%支付违约金。

4.3 Party B shall effect payment of the rent to Party A prior to the date of ____ each month and shall pay liquidated damages for its delay payment at _____% of the daily rent.

4.4 乙方支付租金的方式如下:

4.4 Rent payment by Party B as follows:

第五条 保证金和其他费用

Article 5 Security deposit and other expenses

5.1 甲、乙双方约定,甲方交付该厂房时,乙方【不向甲方支付厂房租赁保证金】【应向甲方支付厂房租赁保证金,保证金为_____个月的租金,即(____币)_____元,甲方收取保证金后应向乙方开具收款凭证】。


5.1 The parties hereto agree that upon delivery of the factory premises by Party A, Party B [shall not pay to Party A the rental deposit for the premises] [shall pay to Party A the rental deposit for the premises, which equal to _____ months’ rent, i.e. ( ____ currency) _____ yuan, and Party A shall issue a receipt voucher to Party B upon receipt of the deposit].

Upon termination of the lease, the remaining part of the rental deposit collected by Party A shall be refund to Party B without interest, after offsetting the costs under contract to be borne by Party B.

5.2 租赁期间,使用该厂房所发生的水、电、燃气、通讯、设备、物业管理、_______等费用由【甲方】【乙方】承担,其他有关费用,均由【甲方】【乙方】承担。

5.2 During the lease period, the costs of water, electricity, gas, communication, equipment, property management and _______, etc. incurred in the use of the factory premises shall be for the account of [Party A] [Party B], and all other related costs shall be borne by [Party A] [Party B].

5.3 【甲方】【乙方】承担的上述费用,计算或分摊办法、支付方式和时间:

5.3 [Party A] [Party B]’s share of the above costs, the method of calculation or apportionment, payment method and time:

第六条 厂房的使用要求

Article 6 Use requirements for workshop

6.1 甲、乙双方在签订本合同时,应根据安全生产法律、法规的要求以及《安全管理意见》第二、三、五条的规定,同时订立《安全生产管理协议》作为合同附件(三),明确租赁双方的生产、消防、特种设备安全管理职责。

6.1 The parties hereto shall, at the time of the conclusion of the contract in accordance with the requirements of production safety laws, regulations and the provisions of Articles 2, 3 and 5 of the Safety Management Opinions, enter into the Safety Management Agreement as Annex (III) hereto for clarification of the safety management responsibilities of production, fire and special equipment of the leasing parties.

6.2 甲、乙双方约定,租赁期间,该厂房和有关设施设备有损坏或故障时,由【甲方】【乙方】负责维修,维修费用由甲方承担。

6.2 The parties agree that during the lease period, the damage or failure of the plant and related facilities / equipment shall be repaired by [Party A] [Party B] and the repair costs shall be for the account of [Party A] [Party B].


[Party A shall, within _____ days upon receipt of Party B’s notice, carry out the repair which fall within its liability. Where failure of the repair overdue, Party B may do so on behalf of Party A and shall, subsequent to the repair, submit the maintenance content and cost voucher to Party A in time.]


[Where repaired by Party B, Party B shall, subsequent to the repair, submit the repair content and cost vouchers to Party A timely].

6.3 租赁期间,乙方应合理使用并爱护该厂房和有关设施设备。因乙方使用不当或不合理使用,致使该厂房和有关设施设备损坏或发生故障的,其维修费用由乙方承担。

6.3 Party B shall, during the lease period, reasonably use and take care of the premises and related facilities / equipment. Provided that the plant and related facilities and equipment are damaged or malfunction due to improper or unreasonable use by Party B, the repair costs shall be borne by Party B.

6.4 租赁期间,甲、乙双方应根据《安全生产管理协议》的约定,保证该厂房及设施设备处于正常的可使用和安全的状态。甲方在履行安全管理职责,对该厂房进行检查时,乙方应予以配合。凡发现乙方存在安全生产隐患的,甲方有权书面告知乙方,责令乙方进行整改。

6.4 The parties hereto shall, during the lease period, ensure the premises and facilities / equipment are in a normal serviceable and safe condition as agreed in the Safety Production Management Agreement. Party B shall co-operate with Party A in the performance of its safety management duties and in the inspection of the premises. Where Party A finds any hidden safety hazards in Party B’s works, it has the right to inform Party B in writing and order it to make rectification.

6.5 乙方增设特种设备,或者另需装修、改变技术工艺或改造有关设施设备的,应事先征得甲方的书面同意。其中按规定必须报有关部门审批的,则还应由【甲方】【甲方委托乙方】报有关部门批准后,方可进行。

6.5 Provided that Party B adds additional special equipment, or otherwise needs to renovate, change the technical process or modify the relevant facilities / equipment, it shall obtain prior written consent from Party A, of which should be subject to the relevant authorities’ approval shall be carried out until the approval by the relevant authorities subsequent to submission by [Party A] [Party B entrusted by Party A].

第七条 厂房返还时的状况

Article 7 Status of premises at return

7.1 除甲方同意乙方续租外,乙方应在本合同的租期届满后的____日内返还该厂房和有关设施设备,未经甲方同意逾期返还的,每逾期一日,乙方应按( ____币) ___元/平方米向甲方支付占用期间的使用费。

7.1 Unless Party A agrees to the renewal of the lease by Party B, Party B shall, within ____ days subsequent to the expiry of the lease term of this contract, return the premises and the relevant facilities / equipment. For each day of delay return without Party A’s consent, Party B shall pay to Party A the usage fee for the period of occupation at the rate of ( ____ currency) ___ RMB/m2.

7.2 乙方返还该厂房和有关设施设备,应当符合正常使用后的状态。返还时,甲方根据合同附件(二)的约定进行验收,并相互结清各自应当承担的费用。

7.2 The return of the premises and related facilities / equipment by Party B shall be in the same condition as after normal use. Party A shall, upon return, carry out the inspection and acceptance in accordance with the agreement in Annex (II) hereof and settle the respective costs to be borne by each other.

第八条 转租、转让和交换

Article 8 Sublease, transfer and exchange

8.1 除甲方已在本合同补充条款中同意乙方转租外,乙方在租赁期内,须事先征得甲方的书面同意,方可将该厂房部分或全部转租给他人。

8.1 Unless Party A has given consent to Party B to sublet in the Supplemental Clause hereof, Party B shall, during the lease term, only sublet part or all of the premises to others with prior written consent of Party A.

8.2 乙方转租该厂房,应按规定与接受转租方签订书面的转租合同,并依据签订的原《安全生产管理协议》,由甲、乙双方与接受转租方签订《安全生产管理协议》。其中,甲方应承担的安全生产管理职责不因转租而改变。

8.2 Provided that Party B subleases the premises, it shall sign the written sublease contract with the recipient of the sublease in accordance with the provisions hereof, and the parties shall, based on the original Safety Production Management Agreement signed, enter into the Safety Production Management Agreement with the recipient of the sublease, in which the safety production management responsibilities to be undertaken by Party A shall not be changed due to the sublease.

8.3 在租赁期内,乙方将该厂房转让给他人承租或与他人承租的厂房进行交换,必须事先征得甲方书面同意。转让或交换后,该厂房承租权的受让人或交换人应与甲方签订租赁主体变更合同并继续履行本合同及《安全生产管理协议》。

8.3 Party B should, during the term of the lease, obtain prior written consent from Party A for transferring the premises to another person for lease or to exchange the premises which leased by other person. The transferee or the person to exchange of the lease in perpetuity of premises shall, subsequent to the transfer or exchange, sign a contract with Party A to change the subject of the lease and continue to perform this contract and the Safety Production Management Agreement.

8.4 在租赁期内,甲方如需出售该厂房,应提前3个月通知乙方。乙方在同等条件下有优先购买权。

8.4 Party A shall, during the lease term, give Party B three months’ prior notice for its selling the premises and Party B shall have the preferential right to purchase under the same conditions.

第九条 解除本合同的条件

Article 9 Conditions for Termination of this Contract

9.1 甲、乙双方同意在租赁期内,有下列情形之一的,本合同终止,双方互不承担责任:

9.1 Parties hereto agree that this contract shall terminate without mutual liability if, during the term of the lease, either of the following occurs.

(一) 该厂房占用范围内的土地使用权依法提前收回的。

(1) The land use right within the scope of occupied the premises recovered in advance in accordance with law.

(二) 该厂房因社会公共利益被依法征用的。

(2) The premises is requisitioned under law for social and public interests.

(三) 该厂房因城市建设需要被依法列入房屋拆迁许可范围的。

(3) The premises is listed in the scope of housing demolition permit due to the need of urban construction

(四) 该厂房在租赁期内被鉴定为危险厂房,或者因不可抗力导致毁损、灭失的。

(4) The premises, during the lease term, is identified as a dangerous workshop or is destroyed or lost due to force majeure

(五) 甲方已告知乙方该厂房出租前已设定抵押,现被处分的。

(5) Party A has informed Party B that the premises were subject to a mortgage prior to letting and are now disposed thereof.


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