
固定资产计提折旧时提示:使用NULL 无效,错误代码:94(5EH)

问题原因: 固定资产计提折旧提示NULL 无效,通常有以下几种情况:

情况一:由标准版升级上来或用历史数据清除工具清除历史数据时丢失了0 期记录(初始化记录)的帐套;

情况二:引进卡片或结转新帐套的帐套,帐套被引入或保留了固定资产启用期间之前的记录,而启用当期又没有0 期记录(初始化记录);


情况一:如果固定资产丢失0 期记录,可参考下面方式处理


2006 年1 期)

delete from t_fabalcard

delete from t_fabalcarditem

delete from t_fabaldept

delete from t_fabaldevice

delete from t_fabalexpense

delete from t_fabalorgfor

delete from t_fabalpurchase

delete from t_fabalance

update t_systemprofile set fvalue=0 where fcategory=’fa’ and fkey=’Closed’

update t_systemprofile set fvalue=2006 where fcategory=’fa’ and fkey=’ CurrentYear’

update t_systemprofile set fvalue=01 where fcategory=’fa’ and fkey=’ CurrentPeriod’



情况二:如果固定资产有启用期间之前的完整记录,可以通过修改参数表把启用期间提前处理(提前到t_fablance 表中的最前期间),也可以通过删除以前的记录,补充0 期记录处理。前者更简单。

update t_systemprofile set fvalue=???? where fcategory=’fa’ and fkey=’StartYear’

update t_systemprofile set fvalue=?? where fcategory=’fa’ and fkey=’Startperiod’

情况三:如果帐套从结束初始化当期开始有大量卡片的余额记录丢失,需要通过反结帐反初始化,删除余额记录(只保留0 期记录),直接关闭初始化,再对日常业务的卡片重新编辑、保存、提折旧、结帐。


select * into t_fabal_temp from t_fabalance where fperiod<>0

delete from t_fabalcard where fbalid in (select fbalid from t_fabal_temp)

delete from t_fabalcarditem where fbalid in (select fbalid from t_fabal_temp)

delete from t_fabaldept where fbalid in (select fbalid from t_fabal_temp)

delete from t_fabaldevice where fbalid in (select fbalid from t_fabal_temp)

delete from t_fabalexpense where fbalid in (select fbalid from t_fabal_temp)

delete from t_fabalorgfor where fbalid in (select fbalid from t_fabal_temp)

delete from t_fabalpurchase where fbalid in (select fbalid from t_fabal_temp)

delete from t_fabalance where fbalid in (select fbalid from t_fabal_temp)

drop table t_fabal_temp

update t_systemprofile set fvalue=0 where fcategory=’fa’ and fkey=’Closed’

update t_systemprofile set fvalue=???? where fcategory=’fa’ and fkey=’ CurrentYear’

update t_systemprofile set fvalue=?? where fcategory=’fa’ and fkey=’ CurrentPeriod’


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