
Brief Introduction




The permanentresidence of foreigners in China refers to that the period offoreigners’ stay here is not limited. Certificate of PermanentResidence of Aliens is the legitimate identity card of aliens havingobtained permanent residence and may be used independently. They canenter and exit China by holding their valid passports and theCertificate of Permanent Residence of Aliens without a visa.


外国人在华永久居留是指外国人在华停留的期限不受限制。《外国人永久居留证》是取得永久居留权的外国人的合法身份证,可以独立使用。持有效护照和无签证外国人永久居留证件,可以进出中国。Thevalidity of Certificate of Permanent Residence of Aliens is five orten years. Aliens aged under 18 years old being granted permanentresidence should be issued Certificates of Permanent Residence ofAliens of five years. Aliens aged over 18 years granted permanentresidence should be issued Certificates of Permanent Residence ofAliens of 10 years.




How to SubmitApplication




Authority forhandling application of aliens for permanent residence in China isthe public security administration of municipal people’s governmenthaving districts under its administration, and the branch publicsecurity bureau or county level public security bureau ofmunicipalities directly under the Central Government. The authorityfor examining and verifying the applications filed by aliens forpermanent residence is the public security administrations of variousprovinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under theCentral Government. The authority for the examination and approval ofthe applications filed by aliens for permanent residence is theMinistry of Public Security.




Theapplicant or the parent of the applicant who is unmarried and agedunder 18 years old can apply for permanent residence in person, orentrust a third party to submit the application. In case ofapplication filed by an entrusted third party, the power of attorneyissued by the applicant should be provided. The power of attorneyissued by applicants abroad should be attested by Chinese embassiesor consulate offices in the countries orregions.申请人或申请人的父母未婚且未满18岁的,可以亲自申请永久居留,也可以委托第三方提交申请。委托第三方申请的,应当提供申请人出具的授权委托书。申请人在国外出具的授权委托书应当经中国驻该国家或地区的使领馆证明。


Processing Time andFees




The public securityauthority should make a decision on whether or not to approve theapplications for permanent residence filed by aliens within sixmonths starting from the day of receipt of the applications.


公安机关应当自收到外国人永久居留申请之日起六个月内作出是否批准的决定。Fees:1,500 RMB Application Fee for each person;费用:每人1500元申请费;


300 RMB for each Foreigner’s Permanent Residence Permit;








1. Aliens grantedpermanent residence in China will be granted Certificate of PermanentResidence of Aliens by the Ministry of Public Security. Whereas theapplicant is abroad, the Ministry of Public Security will issue Formof Conformation of Permanent Residence of Aliens, the applicantshould go to the Chinese embassies or consulate offices to apply forD visa on the strength of the Form, and obtain Certificate ofPermanent Residence of aliens within 30 days upon entry from thepublic security authority that has accepted the applications.




2. Aliens grantedpermanent residence should stay in China for more than three monthsin accumulation every year. Whereas they are not able to satisfy thatrequirement due to certain actual needs, they should obtain approvalfrom the public security administration of the provinces, autonomousregions or municipalities directly under the Central Government wherethey have the permanent residence. However, their stay in China in aperiod of five years should be no shorter than one year.




3. Whereas thevalidity of Certificate of Permanent Residence of Aliens expires, oritems of Certificate of Permanent Residence of Aliens have beenchanged, or the Certificate of Permanent Residence of Aliens havebeen lost or damaged, the certificate holders should apply to thepublic security authority of municipal people’s governments withsubordinate districts or branch public security bureaus or countylevel bureaus of municipalities directly under the Central Governmentwhere they have permanent residence for change or renewal ofcertificates. Whereas the public security authority considers thatthe certificate holders have not lost qualifications to maintainpermanent residence in China, it should change or renew thecertificates within one month.




4. Aliens holdingCertificate of Permanent Residence of Aliens should apply for renewalof certificates one month prior to the expiration of the validity ofthe certificates. Whereas the content of the certificates has beenchanged, the holders should apply for change or renewal within onemonth upon the changes. In case of damage or loss of thecertificates, the holders should apply for renewal or change ofcertificates in a timely manner.




5. Aliens havingpermanent residence in China under any of the following circumstanceswill be cancelled of their permanent residence by the Ministry ofPublic Security, and their Certificate of Permanent Residence ofAliens will be revoked or declared invalid:5.在中国有永久居留权的外国人,有下列情形之一的,由公安部注销其永久居留权,吊销或者宣布其《外国人永久居留证》:


(1). likely to causeharms to the national safety and interests;(1).可能对国家安全和利益造成损害的;


(2). ordered by thepeople’s court to be expelled from of the country;(2).被人民法院裁定驱逐出境的;


(3). obtainingpermanent residence by way of providing falsified materials and otherillegal methods;


(3).以提供虚假材料等非法手段取得永久居留权的;(4).accumulatedstay in a year being less than three months or accumulated stay in aperiod five years being less than one year, without permission.




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