1.第二册(上)Unit1词组翻译1分析明显存在的事物2热衷于农业研 爱问
1 分析明显存在的事物 analyze evident facts 2 热衷于农业研究 keen on agricultural study 3 与……有共同点 have 。
in common with 4 代表一个科学分支 stand for a branch of science 5 想象一下下面这种情况 imagine the following case 6 有前途的研究生 a promising postgraduate 7 不可治愈的疾病 incurable disease 8 放弃对未来的梦想和憧憬 give up dreams and hopes about future 9 幸存那么长 outlive 10 与……订婚 be engaged to 11 继续他的研究 continue his study 12 妨碍他过那种生活 hinder him in the pursuit of that life 13 探索宇宙(名词词组) exploration of universe 14 在20世纪70年代初 in the early years of 1970s 15 探索关于宇宙本质的问题 probe into nature of universe 16 畅销书 best-seller 17 另一方面 on the other hand 18 结果证明上错的 turn out to be wrong 19 描绘和解释黑洞现象 describe and explain black hole phenomenon 20 预测未来事件 predict future events 21 前因后果 cause and effect 22 美国口音 American accent 23 用完水和食品 use up water and food 。
We are living in developing countries, business English translation is becoming increasingly important in business trade, business principles of translation occupies a pivotal position, so people are more and more importance to its communication played in the business role. As China’s economic development, its unique language features have been in a number of industry occupies an irreplaceable position. The areas covered include newspapers, newspapers, magazines, television, advertising, Internet and so on. Business English and today’s political, economic, cultural, and scientific and technological activities are closely related, and the development along with development of the times. Many new terms reflect the political and economic endless. Business English from General English, but the ordinary English and business expertise in various fields combined. Thus, business English and have a common linguistic characteristics of English, in addition, but also has its uniqueness. One of the unique: Business English, there are many completely different from other kinds of English vocabulary words and the meaning of jargon. Therefore, the translation of business English texts, the translators have the necessary addition to the translation skills, but also with business expertise. First, the characteristics of business English vocabulary English vocabulary is characterized by “the scope of the meaning of relatively wide, relatively rich and varied, meaning larger context-dependence, independence is relatively small.” In other words when the English words in isolation, we can not say its specific meaning, because it has the term in use all the meanings may have had to rely on in their context or the mix of words with other words or combination of relationship that we can identify their specific meaning, in ordinary English word that, especially in Business English vocabulary, and even Business English Vocabulary In addition, it has the following other features: 1, Business English vocabulary richness Business English vocabulary comes from the richness of the richness of Business English Texts. Business English Discourse refers to the business activities used in various official and unofficial documents, with practicality, diversity and industry-specific features. In accordance with its linguistic manifestations, can be summarized for the public sports, advertising theories of body and body categories. Including business letters, contracts, legal documents, notification for the public performance of other major literary forms. Stylistic characteristics of the public business is based on the written word vocabulary mainly words formal, rigorous, standardized, short to convey his ideas. Commercial advertising mainly for advertising body form, English words more advertising tends to popularization, colloquial, concise, vivid, and rich call to action, which may contain a large number of spoken word, the new coinage, coined words, foreign words. Business English discourse more to promote products made in the report or speech. Such stylistic terms formal, rigorous, and therefore the main written language vocabulary. 2, a considerable number of professional Glossary of Terms Professional terminology is applied to different subject areas or professional word, is used to correct words to express scientific concepts with rich connotation and extension of professional terms require a single ambiguity, exclusion polysemy and ambiguity, and the expression of professional Glossary of terms are fixed, it may not tamper with them. Business English have a considerable amount of jargon words, to really read the Business English articles, the translator must understand the business English subject areas covered by the relevant knowledge, to avoid the common vocabulary of technical terms, or at worst trouble translation of a joke, will result in re – serious economic losses. 3, extensive use of ancient words The ancient words are generally not common, but the ancient words can increase the serious, formal means, the use of ancient words to reflect the business letters, business contracts, legal instruments, the seriousness and formality. 2, from the vocabulary and content of professional analysis of (1) Business English vocabulary and its contents are highly specialized Business English vocabulary is characterized by the use of the most precise use of professional vocabulary, which contains a large number of specialized vocabulary, with the ordinary meaning of the word commercial, or compound words, and acronyms and so on. Prices of commonly used terms such as FOB, CIF has its own specific 。
陈太丘与友期行,期日中,过中不至,太丘舍去,去后乃至。 元方时年七岁,门外戏。客问元方:“尊君在不?”答曰:“待君久不至,已去。”友人便怒:“非人哉!与人期行,相委而去。”元方曰:“君与家君期日中,日中不至,则是无信;对子骂父,则是无礼。” 友人惭,下车引之,元方入门不顾。
元方:即,字元方,陈寔的长子。 陈太丘:即陈寔(shí),字仲弓,东汉颖川(现在河南许昌)人,做过太丘县令。太丘,县名;长,长官。古代常以地名称其官长。 期行:相约同行。期,约定,今义为日期,行,出行。 期日中:约定的时间是正午。日中,正午时分。 过中:过了正午。 至:到 舍去:不再等候而离开了。舍,丢下;去,离开 乃至:(友人)才到。乃:才。 戏:玩耍,游戏。 尊君在不(fǒu):你父亲在吗?尊君,对别人父亲的一种尊称。不,通假字,通“否”。 家君:家父,谦词,对人称自己的父亲。 引:拉,这里是表示友好的动作。 顾:回头看。 信:诚信,讲信用。 时年:这年(那时)。 非:不是。 相委而去:相委,丢下别人;相,副词,表示动作偏向一方;委,丢下,舍弃。 而,表示修饰。 君:古代尊称对方,现可译为“您”。 惭:感到惭愧。 礼:礼貌。 不:不,“不”通“否”,语气词,无意 已去:已经 离开。 哉:助词,语气词,并无实际意义。 曰:说 则:就是 信(则是无信):信用
1.去古意:离开 今意:到、往 2.委古意:丢下、舍弃今意:委屈、委托 3.顾古意:回头看今意:照顾
1、尊君在不 “不”通“否”读fou(三声)表示否定。相当于“吗?”
4.你最近过的怎么样啊 英语翻译
翻译为:How have you been recently?或直接说成How have you been?
“最近”用英语直接翻译成 Recently,虽然直译是近来,最近的意思。含有自从上次到现在的意思,因为没有说明是指哪段时间里. 比如说,和朋友一个月没有打交道了,今天见面打交道时可以问候下。
How have you been的相关用法例句:
1、How have you been since I saw you last?
2、You did give me a surprise. How have you been?
3、How have you been successful with such UI driven testing on your projects?
4、How have you been lately?
1、It’s great to see you!见到你真好!
2、How have you been?你最近好吗?
3、Long time, no see.好久不见。
4、How are you doing these days?你这段时间过得怎么样?
1、Good morning / afternoon / evening.早上好/中午好/晚上好
2、Hello (name), how are you?嗨(人名),你好吗?
3、Good day Sir / Madam先生/太太日安(非常正式)
1、Good morning / afternoon / evening.早上好/下午好/晚上好。
2、It was a pleasure seeing you.见到你真高兴。
4、Nice seeing you!见到你真高兴!
5、Goodbye / Bye再见
6、See you later回头见
既醉而退,曾(céng)不吝(lìn)情去留。 环堵萧然,不蔽风日;短褐(hè)穿结,箪(dān)瓢(piáo)屡空,晏(yàn)如也。
赞曰:黔(qián)娄(lóu)之妻有言:”不戚(qì)戚于贫贱,不汲(jí)汲于富贵。 “其言兹若人之俦(chóu)乎?衔觞(shāng)赋诗,以乐其志。
(先生性格)闲适沉静且少言寡语,不羡慕荣华利禄。 爱好读书,不过分在字句上下功夫;每当对书中的内容有所领会,便高兴得忘了吃饭。
6.请帮忙翻译: 如果我有幸被贵校录取,我将尽我的最大努力来学习所
If i’m lucky enough to be accepted and become one member of our college, i will make all the efforts to study professional knowledge and achieve the ample scientific research practice as well.
I will perfect my Master’s degree with high-qualified thesis.
And that will not the end of my pursuit, i will surely endeavor to go on proceeding the doctor’s degree.