

不知够不?遗憾的是音标显示不出来:absolute zero 『物理』绝对零度 balance n. 平衡,差额 boiling ad. 沸腾 boiling point n. 沸点 camera n. 照相机 center of gravity 压力中心,重心 centigrade thermometric scale 摄氏温标 circuit map 电路图 clinical thermometer n. 体温计 closed circuit n. 闭合电路 component force 分力 concave lens 凹透镜 conductor n. 导体 convex lens 凸透镜 crystal n.晶体 curvilinear motion 曲线运动 deformation v.形变 density n. 密度 diffuse reflection 漫反射 dry cell 干电池 dynamometer n. 动力计,力量计,握力计 electric circuit 电路 electric current 『电』电流 electroscope n. 验电器 evaporation n. 蒸发,脱水,干燥 focal length 『光』焦距 focus n. 焦点,焦距 force n. 力量,武力,势力,影响力,效力,力,军队 friction force 摩擦力 geomagnetic field 地磁场 gravity n. 地心引力,重力 image by ping hole 小孔成像 incident angle 入射角 incident ray 入射线 inertia n. 惯性,惰性,迟钝 insulator n. 绝缘体,绝热器 key n.电键 law of inertia 『物理』惯性定律 lens n. 透镜 light n. 光 light source 光源 magnet n. 磁铁,有吸引力之人,有吸引力之物 magnetic field 磁场 magnetic pole magnetization n. 磁化 magnifier n. 放大镜,放大器 mass n. 块,大多数,质量,弥撒,群众 mechanical motion 机械运动 melt n. 熔化,熔化物,溶解 melting point 融点,熔点 motion v.运动 negative charge 负电荷 negative plate 负极(板) Newton first law 牛顿第一定律 normal n.法线 north pole n. 北极 open circuit 开路 optical axis 光轴 optical center of lens 光心 parallel connection 并联 path n. 路径,小路,轨道,路线,道路 periscope n. 潜望镜,展望镜 permanent magnet 永久磁铁 plane mirror 平面镜 position n. 位置 positive charge n. [电]正电荷,阳电荷 positive plate 正极(板) power supply n. 电源 pressure n. 压,榨,按,强制,压强,压迫,压力 real image 『物理』实像 rectilinear motion 直线运动 reflected ray 反射线 reflection angle 反射角 reflection law 反射定律 refracted angle 折射角 refracted ray 折射线 refraction n. 折光,折射 relative motion 『物理』相对运动 rest v.静止 resultant force n. 合力 rolling friction 滚动摩擦 screen n. 屏 semiconductor n. 半导体 series connection 串联 short circuit n. 短路 sliding friction 滑动摩擦 solenoid n. 螺线管 solidification n. 团结,凝固,固体化 solidification point 凝固点 south pole n. [地]南极, (地球的)南磁极, [天]南天极 spring balance 弹簧秤 static friction 静摩擦 storage battery 蓄电池 sublimation n. 升华,升华物,高尚化 superconductor n. 超导体 temperature n. 温度,发烧,热度 thermodynamic temperature sca 热力学温标 thermometer n. 温度计,体温计 time n. 时间,时侯,时机,时期,期限,次数,比赛限时 uniform rectilinear motion 匀速直线运动 variable rectilinear motion 变速直线运动 velocity n. 速度,速率,迅速 velocity of light 光的速度 virtual image n. [物]虚像 weights 砝码 wire n. 电线,电报,金属丝,铁丝网,电信 ammeter n. 安培计,电表 Archimedes principle 阿基米德原理 atmospheric pressure 大气压强 barometer n. 气压计 buoyancy force 浮力 convection n. 传达,对流,对流 densitometer n. 密度计 diffusion n. 散布,传播,蔓延 electric current 『电』电流 electric energy 电能 electric power 电功率 electric quantity 热量 electric work 电功 energy n. 精力,精神,活力,能量 fixed pulley 定滑轮 fuse n. 保险丝,导火线 heat n. 热量 heat conduction 热传导 heat radiation 热辐射 heat transfer 热传递 inclined plane 斜面 internal energy 『物理』内能 kinetic energy 动能 law of conservation of energy 能量守恒定律 lever n. 杠杆,似杠杆之工具 live wire 火线。


Newton’s First Law of Motion:

Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.

Newton’s Second Law of Motion

The relationship between an object’s mass m, its acceleration a, and the applied force F is F = ma. Acceleration and force are vectors (as indicated by their symbols being displayed in slant bold font); in this law the direction of the force vector is the same as the direction of the acceleration vector.

This is the most powerful of Newton’s three Laws, because it allows quantitative calculations of dynamics: how do velocities change when forces are applied. Notice the fundamental difference between Newton’s 2nd Law and the dynamics of Aristotle: according to Newton, a force causes only a change in velocity (an acceleration); it does not maintain the velocity as Aristotle held.

This is sometimes summarized by saying that under Newton, F = ma, but under Aristotle F = mv, where v is the velocity. Thus, according to Aristotle there is only a velocity if there is a force, but according to Newton an object with a certain velocity maintains that velocity unless a force acts on it to cause an acceleration (that is, a change in the velocity). As we have noted earlier in conjunction with the discussion of Galileo, Aristotle’s view seems to be more in accord with common sense, but that is because of a failure to appreciate the role played by frictional forces. Once account is taken of all forces acting in a given situation it is the dynamics of Galileo and Newton, not of Aristotle, that are found to be in accord with the observations.

Newton’s Third Law of Motion:

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.


应用物理专业:Applied Physics



英 [ə’plaɪd] 美 [ə’plaɪd]

adj. 应用的;实用的

v. 应用;实施(apply的过去分词);敷上

例句:Not all of them will be applied because they are conflicted.



英 [‘fɪzɪks] 美 [‘fɪzɪks]

n. 物理学;物理现象

例句:And, for this, he got the Nobel Prize in 1908 in physics.





physics前如有my, the, such等限定词修饰表示成绩或实用能力时,可看作复数,后面的动词也可用复数形式。

例句:He has got brilliant achievements in the field of physics.



atomic physics 原子物理学

classical physics 经典物理学

high-energy physics 高能物理学

Newtonian physics 牛顿物理学说

nuclear physics 核物理学

solid-state physics 固态物理学

theoretical physics 理论物理学


拉伸强度 tensile strength

断裂伸长率 elongation at

(横向 vertical 纵向 horizontal)

收缩率 shrinkage factor

工频电气强度 frequency electrical strength

体积电阻率 electric volume resistivity

相对介电常数 relative dielectric constant

介电损耗 dielectric loss

密度 density

熔点 melting point

表面电阻率 electrical surface resistivity

电解腐蚀 electrolytic corrosion

高温下的尺寸稳定性 dimention stability under high temperature

目测法 ocular estimate

金属导线拉伸强度法 tensile strength method of metal wire

在拉力下 under tension

序号 order number

指标名称 index name

单位 unit

指标值 targeted value

PET薄膜性能表 PET filmperformance table

标称厚度 nominal thickness


最低0.27元开通文库会员,查看完整内容> 原发布者:Tomitect 物理力force重力gravity摩擦力friction拉力traction质量mass惯量Interia加速度acceleration力矩torque静止atrest相对relative能量energy动能keneticenergy势能potentialenergy功work动量momentum角动量angularmomentum能量守恒energyconservation保守力conservedforce振动vibration振幅amplitude波wave驻波standingwave震荡oscillation相干波coherentwave干涉interference衍射diffraction轨道obital速度velocity速率speed大小magnatitude方向direction水平horizental竖直vertical相互垂直perpendicular坐标coordinate直角坐标系极坐标系polarcoordinatesystem弹簧spring球体sphere环loop盘型disc圆柱形cylinder电学磁学:电子electron电荷charge电流current电场electricfield电通量electricflux电势electircpotential导体conductor电介质dieletric绝缘体insultalor电阻resistor电阻率resistivity电容capacitor无穷infinite横截面crossection匀强电场uniformelectricfield分布ditribution磁场magneticfield磁通量magneticflux电感inductance变压器transformer频率frequency周期period电磁波electomagneticwave平面plane热学:热平衡thermalequilibrium理想气体idealgas热能thermalenergy热量heat热容heatcapacity外界surrounding准静态过程quasi-staticprocess这几。



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