






就是这样一个过程。。和咱们毕业答辩的时候差不多 好好加油啊!



2.英语学科教学知识与能力 掌握基本的、适合初中英语教学的学科教学知识和英语课程标准知识,并能用以指导初中英语教学。 3.英语学科教学设计能力 能够根据英语学科特点,针对初中学生的认知特点、语言水平和学习需要选择并设计合理的教学内容,形成完整合理的教学方案。

4. 英语学科教学实施能力 理解初中英语课堂教学实施的基本原则和方法,具备实施语言课堂教学的基本能力;能够依据教学设计,根据教学实际情况,采用恰当的教学手段,引导学生进行有效学习。 5. 英语学科教学评价知识与能力 了解初中英语课堂教学评价的基本知识和方法,能够对学生的语言学习进行恰当的评价;了解教学反思的基本方法和策略,能够对自己的课堂教学实践进行反思,提出改进的思路。

二、考试模块内容与要求 (一) 语言知识与能力 1.掌握英语语言的基础知识,了解语言研究中与英语教学相关的基本概念和内容,并能在课堂教学中加以运用。 2.具有良好的英语语言运用能力,包括用英语进行书面表达、获取教学资源和信息、表达思想情感和与学生良好沟通的能力;能够筛选并改编适合初中学生英语水平的教学材料。

3. 能在语篇中理解英语国家的语言、历史和文学等相关的社会文化知识。 (二)语言教学知识与能力 1.了解英语教学基本理论,包括语言观、语言学习观、语言教学观等对初中英语教学的指导作用。

2.理解《全日制义务教育 普通初级中学 英语课程标准(实验)》的目标内容(语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识),以及课程标准的其他相关知识,并能在教学设计与实施中运用。 3.掌握英语语言知识(语音、词汇、语法等)的教学基本原则、讲解和练习方法。

4.掌握英语语言技能(听、说、读、写)的教学原则和训练方法。 5.能结合英语社会文化语境,设计并实施英语知识和技能的教学与训练。

(三)教学设计 1.了解初中学生的认知特征、已有的英语知识、语言能力和学习需求,能够说明教学内容与学生已学知识之间的联系。 2.理解课程标准的目标要求,能够根据学生的特点选择恰当的教学内容。

3.掌握根据恰当的教学内容,设定合理、明确与具体的教学目标。 4.能根据教学目标,创设教学情景、设计有效的教学活动、安排合理的教学过程、编制辅助教学材料。

5.能够根据教学内容和教学过程,设计有效的学习评估活动。 (四)教学实施与评价 1.掌握英语课堂教学的基本步骤与方法,能够创设教学情景,激发学习动机,引导学生参与语言学习活动。

2.掌握指导学生学习的方法和策略,能依据英语学科特点和学生的认知特征,根据教学实际情况,恰当地运用语言讲解、互动练习、提问、反馈等方法,帮助学生有效学习。 3.掌握课堂管理基本方法,熟悉课堂活动常用组织形式,能在教学活动中以学生为中心组织教学,能在课堂教学的不同阶段中发挥教师的作用。

4.掌握课堂总结的方法,能适时地对教学内容进行归纳、总结与评价,科学合理地布置作业。 5.了解现代教育技术,能够针对不同英语课型,整合多种资源和辅助教学手段进行有效教学。

6.了解初中英语教学形成性评价和终结性评价的知识与方法,并在教学中合理运用。 7.掌握教学案例评析的基本方法,能够对所给的教学案例进行评价。

8.了解教学反思的基本方法,能够对自己的教学过程进行反思并提出改进思路。 三、试卷结构 模 块 比 例 题 型 语言知识与能力 27% 单项选择题 语言教学知识与能力 27% 单项选择题 简 答 题 教学设计 27% 教学设计题 教学实施与评价 19% 教学情境分析题 合 计 100%。


1. 学科英语考研初试科目是思想政治理论、英语二、333教育综合、英语教学论或英语综合(具体因招生单位不同而不同)。

2. 建议查看招生单位官网公布的专业目录,因为专业课是招生单位自主命题,科目的名称和要求都要以招生单位公布的为准。

3. 第一是政治,全国统考; 第二是二外,一般是各校自己出题,指定的教材也不一样; 第三一般是基础英语,水平一般在八级上吧;最后是专业课,考研的方向是什么决定要考什么,比如考文学方向那就有可能考英美文学,考语言学方向就考语言学等等。

4. 尽管每个大学不一样,但是一些科目一般是必考的,其中教育科学的统考科目如下:











III. 语法和词汇知识从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

(共30小题,每小题0.5分,满分15分)11. Peter______ a lot of Spanish by playing with the native boys and girls. A. picked up B. took up C. made up D. turned up12. -Did you tell Julia about the result? -Oh, no, I forgot. I ________ her now. A. will be calling B. will call C. call D. am to call13. John, look at the time. ___________ you play the piano at such a late hour?A. Must B. Can C. May D. Need14. —Did Jack come back early last night?—Yes. It was not yet eight o’clock ______he arrived home. A. before B. when C. that D. until15. —Can the project be finished as planned? —Sure, it ______completed in time, we’ll work two more hours a day. A. having got B. to get C. getting D. gets16. ______, Carolina couldn’t get the door open. A. Try as she might B. As she might try C. She might try as D. Might as she try17. What a table! I’ve never seen such a thing before. It is ______ it is long. A. half not as wide as B. wide not as half as C. not half as wide as D. as wide as not half18. —How about putting some pictures into the report?—________ A picture is worth a thousand words. A. No way. B. Why not? C. All right? D. No matter. 19. They _______ on the program for almost one week before I joined them, and now we _______ on it as no good results have come out so far. A. had been working; are still working B. had worked; were still workingC. have been working; have worked D. have worked; are still working20. The place _______ the bridge is supposed to be built should be ________the cross-river traffic is the heaviest. A. which; where B. at which; which C. at which; where D. which; in which21. —Don’t you think it necessary that he _______ to Miami but to New York?—I agree, but the problem is ________ he has refused to. A. will not be sent; that B. not be sent; that C. should not be sent; what D. should not send; what22. Months ago we sailed ten thousand miles across this open sea, which _______ the Pacific, and we met no storms. A. was called B. is called C. had been called D. has been called23. —______ that he managed to get the information?—Oh, a friend of his helped him. A. Where was it B. Who was it C. How was it D. Why was it24. There was such a long queue for coffee at the interval that we ________ gave up. A. eventually(最终)B. unfortunately不幸地;遗憾的是C. generously慷慨地,不吝啬地 D. purposefully有目的地 有决心地25. Word comes that free souvenirs will be given to _______ comes first. A. no matter whom B. whomever C. no matter who D. whoever26. ____for the terrible accident, as the public thought, the mayor felt nervous and was at a loss what to do. A. Having blamed B. To blame C. Being to be blamed D. Being to blame27. —How did the plan strike you? —It _____, so we can’t think too highly of it. A. all depends B. makes no sense C. is so practical D. is just so so28. The new tax would force companies to _____ energy-saving measures. A. adopt(收养,采用)B. adjust (调节/整,适应)C. adapt(使适应/合) D. accept接受29. I think ________ knowledge of the Internet is ________ must in our work today. A. a; a B. the; an C. the; 不填 D. 不填; a30. _______ center has been set up to give ________ on scientific farming for the nearby farmers. A. Information; advice B. An information; advice C. An information; advices D. Information; advices31. —Carl, go to wash the dishes. —Why_______? Jack is doing nothing over there. A. me B. I C. he D. him32. —What did Mr Black do in the middle of the night? —Well, I’m not sure, but he was often heard ___________. A. singing the same song B. to sing the same songC. sing a same song D. to be playing same song33. The computers made by our company sell best, but several years ago no one could have imagined the role in the markets that they ________. A. were playing B. were to play C. have played D. played34. The novel “The Da Vinci Code” ______ a great success and was translated into 44 languages in 2004. A. appreciated B. enjoyed C. won D. seized35. —I haven’t seen you for ages. Haven’t you graduated from college?—Yes. I _____ English for four years in Nanjing. A. study B. have studied C. am studying D. studied36. —What made him so happy?—_____ as the model student in school. A. He being elected B. His electing C. His being elected D. His been elected37. —You don’t like this oil painting, do you?—______. I like it better _____ I look at it. A. Yes; the moment B. No; as C. No; when D. Yes; the more38. Nobody but the twins ________ some i。



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